
A Message from Azmont Investments’ Chairman, Ahmet Erentok

Azmont Investments’ Commitment to Montenegrin Society, Employees, Clients and Guests


The COVID-19 global pandemic is affecting tens of thousands of people in profound ways, including lack of medical care and health supplies. The outbreak has had a significant impact especially on the most vulnerable communities, above all the elderly. In the last few weeks we have witnessed great empathy, support and solidarity as well as high social responsibility throughout our community.


We navigate through this ever evolving crisis together

With the rapid development of COVID-19, it is our highest priority on the health and safety of our employees, clients, partners, and communities. Our thoughts are especially with healthcare professionals who are working above and beyond to help people in need, along with the Government of Montenegro and its institutions that have provided a proactive example in the way it has addressed this global health crisis and thus made an example to all of us on what responsibility towards society entails.


Here to help

As the situations surrounding COVID-19 continue to change and evolve, what won’t change is our commitment to do everything we can to help ensure the health and safety of everyone here in Montenegro. We are proud to contribute State efforts with donation to the joint fund managed by National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases of Government of Montenegro. This donation will hopefully help already admirable efforts to keep everyone safe and prevent any potential health crisis on national level.

As an international company, we share responsibility for our international partners and co-workers as well. Following special flight agreement with Turkish Airlines, we have ensured that 450 of our Turkish co-workers are able to return back home safely and to be with their families during this difficult time. At the same time, we are supporting the return of 40 Montenegrin citizens to Montenegro from Turkey.


Diligence and dedication, enablers of the business continuation

Despite an evolving situation, Azmont Investments and its partners continue to operate on a relatively normal basis. Here in Portonovi, we are protecting our employees by following Government and WHO guidelines to work from home, taking additional and strict sanitary precautions, whilst fully restricting public access in to the Portonovi Resort. Our construction teams continue working without interruption, progressing toward planned milestones. We have undertaken serious and meticulous health safety measures aiming to contribute the combat against the spread of the disease.

We strongly believe that by remaining diligent and dedicated to the recommended guidelines from the Government and WHO, we believe this will position us in a stronger stance to be able to move forward both as a company, but also as individuals. 


Stay at home

I am inspired as I see communities, our nation and the world coming together to fight this pandemic. Together with our employees, who continue to work from home, we urge everyone to stay at home as much as possible and be responsible towards their families and community, as this is the only way to successfully overcome this global crisis - by doing all that we can as individuals, families and responsible companies. 


Ahmet Erentok

Chairman, Azmont Investments